Event name
Christmas Concert
Sat 12 / 21 / 2024
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sacred Heart Church
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Christmas Concert, December 21, 11am, at Sacred Heart Church (corner of Park Rd. and 16th St. NW) – The Program Committee is pleased to announce a Christmas concert by Carlos Ibay, a pianist and tenor, renowned for his remarkable talent despite being blind since birth. Specializing in classical music, he has performed works by composers like Chopin and Beethoven to audiences around the world. His powerful voice and exceptional piano skills have earned him international acclaim, making him an inspiring figure in the music world. In addition to his numerous musical talents, Ibay also speaks 7 languages. Ibay will be accompanied at this concert by Mt. Pleasant's very own Vedoster "Spike" Ingram and Lovancy Ingram. Bring friends and neighbors--all are welcome.